Why Laravel is One of the Best PHP Framework | Why a developer should learn Laravel
As a Laravel Developer , i can simply say that Laravel is one of the trending and popular PHP framework due to it's incredible freatures . From my experience i can say that Laravel makes your task and any kind of complicated work much easier by just some commands and it's built-in packages .
You can also see in the above google trend image to analyse how popular laravel is . Let's see one by one why laravel is one of the best PHP Framework .
You can also see in the above google trend image to analyse how popular laravel is . Let's see one by one why laravel is one of the best PHP Framework .
1 - MVC Architechture :
Laravel Framework is fully based on MVC pattern which makes the development much easier , efficient and makes your product more secure . MVC basically stands for Model View Controller . These all three's plays different roles while building an application using Laravel Framework .
In MVC pattern Model basically handles our database part while View is the front-end part which is the user going to see ( user interface ) and Controller is just working as a mediator to communicate Model and View . In short MVC makes your project structured and secure for development with many more features .
In MVC pattern Model basically handles our database part while View is the front-end part which is the user going to see ( user interface ) and Controller is just working as a mediator to communicate Model and View . In short MVC makes your project structured and secure for development with many more features .
2 - Authentication and Authorization :
Laravel is also popular for it's highly secure Authentication feature . Laravel makes it very much easier to use Authentication in your project . You don't need to write lots of code by yourself , you just need to give a command and Laravel will make it ready for you . Even though it is very secure , a developer can add extra layer of security if they wants . You can use single user authentication as well as Laravel Multi-Auth system by just some commands .
3 - Database Migration :
Database Migration is one of the best feature provided by Laravel . Database connection and table creation becomes very easier for developer with no time due to Migration . Laravel also provides database seeding that allow the developers to insert lots of sample data into the database for testing . Laravel also creates Timestamp fields like created_at and deleted_at to keep track of data .
4 - Easy Documentation :
Laravel provides a great documentation for everything you need for your development . It's very easy to understand for the beginner's . You can also visit Laracast website of Laravel where laravel provides both free and paid video tutorials by expert instructor jeffery way . you can also ask your doubt's and problems in there .You will get almost everything in Laravel's official site , You just need to visit the documentation page and just search it whatever you need .
5 - Availability of Packages :
A Package is basically a collection of different libraries and functionalities that automate a perticular process in our project . Laravel provides several built-in packages as well as several third party packages are also available that you can use to automate your work . some of the popular and most used Laravel Packages are as follows -
- noCaptcha
- Laravel Debugbar
- Socialite
- Laravel Mix
- Eloquent Laravel
- Spatie
- Laravel GraphQL

6 - Broadcasting and Websocket :
As a trending PHP framework Laravel also provides broadcasting service to work on realtime application like realtime messaging . You can share your event in both server-side as well as client-side , so that you can get real-time data .
7 - Integration of other Languages :
Laravel won't stops you whenever you need you use any other programming languages in your project . You can integrate other programming languages in your project like JS , Vue JS and others . As laravel provides Blade templating system it makes very easier to use with a lots of Blade templating features .
8 - Security :
When it comes to Security laravel do not compromises at all . Laravel uses lots of security features on it's Framework like whenever you save your password in database it will automatically converted to hashed password and Laravel also uses Prepared SQL Statements that makes SQL Injection impossible . After that a developer can add up extra security layers for better security .
9 - Vast and Friendly Community Support :
Laravel provides a vast and friendly community support . If you are getting any problem or error you can simply ask it on laracast and their team will definitely support you in a short span of time . Due to vast community support you get the solution of almost all of the errors on internet .
10 - Blade Templating Engine :
One of the another best feature provided by Laravel is Blade Templating System . Blade templating system basically deals with models and view part that the user going to interact . You can also use complex algorithm and conditionals in it . Although other platforms also provides these features but Blade is well known for it's faster execution which make makes Laravel Framework a way different from others .
My experience on Laravel :
As a software developer i am also new to laravel . Honestly i would like to say this to beginner's who want to start their carrer with laravel , when i started laravel i didn't capture anything it almost took 10-15 to understand laravel basics . One day i thought i am not getting anything of Laravel and it's very tough , But slowly slowly when i get to understand things one by one believe me Laravel is very easy .
Laravel provides lot's of feature and packages that will make your work a lot easier . If you are a beginner , it might be difficult in initial days but never give up after you get to know Laravel Basics you gonna love it .
Thank you for reading this Article 😊
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