Exploring Laravel Eloquent: whereIn & whereNotIn - Let's Begin!

How to use whereIn and whereNotIn Query in Laravel

Laravel Eloquent whereIn and whereNotIn - StudyWithKishan

        In this article we will learn how can you use whereIn and whereNotIn query in Laravel . We will learn the multiple way to use whereIn and whereNotIn query and how it is different from simple SQL Query .

        whereIn method basically takes two parameter one is the ' column_name ' and the other one is an array having choices . Laravel finds throughout the table and return the rows whose column values matches with the values given inside the array .

        whereNotIn method is also takes two parameter similar to whereIn and returns the rows having column values that are not matched with the array values .

        For better understanding i will take an example of a product table which is shown below.

Laravel Eloquent whereIn and whereNotIn - StudyWithKishan

Laravel Eloquent whereIn :

SQL Query :

SELECT * FROM products

WHERE price IN ( 99,10,78 );

Laravel Syntax 1:


        ->whereIn('column_name',[ value1,value2,value3 ])


Laravel Example 1:


        ->whereIn('price',[ 99,10,78 ])


Laravel Syntax 2:


        ->whereIn('column_name',[ value1,value2,value3 ])


Laravel Example 2:


        ->whereIn('price',[ 99,10,78 ])


Output :

Laravel Eloquent whereIn and whereNotIn - StudyWithKishan

Laravel Eloquent whereNotIn :

SQL Query :

SELECT * FROM products

WHERE price NOT IN ( 99,10,78 );

Laravel Syntax 1:


        ->whereNotIn('column_name',[ value1,value2,value3 ])


Laravel Example 1:


        ->whereNotIn('price',[ 99,10,78 ])


Laravel Syntax 2:


        ->whereNotIn('column_name',[ value1,value2,value3 ])


Laravel Example 2:


        ->whereNotIn('price',[ 99,10,78 ])


Output :

Laravel Eloquent whereIn and whereNotIn - StudyWithKishan

These are the different ways to use whereIn and whereNotIn method in Laravel . Hope this article helped you .

Thank you for reading this article 😊

For any query do not hesitate to comment 💬

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