Effortlessly Convert Seconds to Time Format in PHP

How to convert seconds to Hour:Minute:Second in PHP

Convert Seconds to Hour:Minute:Second  - PHP

In this article we will see how can you convert seconds to Hour:Minute:Second format in PHP both using gmdate() function and without using gmdate() function .

gmdate() basically a php function that allow you to convert seconds into H:M:S format but there is problem with gmdate() method that it only ranges from 00:00:00 to 23:59:59 , if total seconds exceeding more than 23:59:59 then it will again starts from 00:00:00 . So here we will se both cases of converting seconds into Hour:Minute:Second both using and without using gmdate() method .

gmdate() method basically takes two parameter first one is the conversion format and another is seconds .

gmdate(format, seconds);

gmdate("H:i:s", 3600);

 Using gmdate() method :

public function convert_seconds_to_hours_minutes_seconds()
          $initial_time =86399;
          return gmdate("H:i:s", $initial_time);

Output :


Without using gmdate() method :

public function convert_seconds_to_hours_minutes_seconds()
          $initial_time =3656;
          $hours = floor($initial_time / 3600);
          $minutes = floor(($initial_time / 60) % 60);
          $seconds = $initial_time % 60;
            $hours = sprintf('%02d', $hours);
            $minutes = sprintf('%02d', $minutes);
            $seconds = sprintf('%02d', $seconds);
          $final_time = $hours.":".$minutes.":".$seconds;
          return $final_time;

Output :


sprintf() is a php method basically used to add preceding zero's on a digit .

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