Quick and Easy: Getting 7 Days' Records in Laravel

 How to get 7 days Data / Record from Database in Laravel


In this article we will see how to get 7 days of data or record from database in Laravel 6/7/8 using Carbon.
We will take an example where i will retrieve last 7 days of record from users table from my database . In this example i am only showing you to retrieve last 7 days of data from Database but you can retrieve data of Last N number of days. 

We will take two examples and try to get the last 7 days of data in two different way using whereBetween and where clause of Laravel .

Method 1 - Using whereBetween clause :

In this method we will use whereBetween clause of Laravel . This method takes two parameter first one is the column name and another one is as array containing start date and end date as shown in the following example .

public function lastNDaysData()
    	$start_date = Carbon::now()->subdays(7)->toDateTimeString();
    	$end_date = Carbon::now()->toDateTimeString();
    	$data = User::whereBetween('created_at',[$start_date,$end_date])

Method 2 - Using where clause :

In this method we will use where clause of Laravel to get Last 7 days or N days of data as shown in the below example .

public function lastNDaysData()
    	$date = Carbon::now()->subdays(7)->toDateTimeString();
    	$data = User::where('created_at','>',$date)

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